CEO Flinders and Upper North LHN
19 Feb 2020

A new model of governance and accountability in the public health system in South Australia was implemented from 1 July, 2019 with the introduction of Local Health Network Governing Boards. Across the State this resulted in one Statewide, three metropolitan and six regional Local Health Network Governing Boards. The six regional Local Health Networks are a result of the dissolution of Country Health SA LHN and the incorporation under the Health Care Act 2008 of the individual regions as LHN’s.
In 2018 Hardy Group were privileged to work with the Department of Health and Wellbeing to undertake the Search for the 10 Governing Board Chairs and subsequently the 70 Governing Board Members.
Governing Boards are responsible and accountable to the Minister for Health and Wellbeing for overseeing the provision of local health service delivery that is safe, high quality and efficient, monitoring quality, meeting performance measures and consulting with health professionals, consumers and community about the provision of health care services.
The Governing Boards appoint the LHN Chief Executive Officer, who reports to the Board.
Bevan Francis was appointed as Chair of Flinders and Upper North Governing Board from 1 July 2019. Bevan like all Board members on LHN Governing Boards brings a range of experiences relevant to public health care provision and additionally in regional areas, local knowledge, experience and residence. Bevan has had a long-standing career in the South Australian public service since 1988. He was also Executive Director of Finance and Infrastructure for Country Health SA until 2009 and has worked for SA Health in the Flinders and Upper North region in various finance and management roles.
The Board of Flinders and Upper North LHN are now seeking a Chief Executive Officer to support the Board and be responsible for the day-to-day management and operations of the Flinders and Upper North LHN and Hardy Group are pleased to be able to support the Board and the LHN in this exciting opportunity. The role calls for a contemporary, experienced and accomplished healthcare leader with a commitment to rural and remote healthcare provision. For a full description of the region and the Chief Executive Officer role click the link below: