HG Cross-Sector learning sets
Cross Sector Sets are a carefully matched groups of peers at a similar stage of their leadership journey from diverse backgrounds, sectors, organisations and locations.
Underpinned by expert facilitation, Set members come together quarterly as a powerful collaborative network to share system intelligence and to discuss and resolve the complex challenges they each face.
Who Benefits from Joining a Cross-Sector Learning Set?
Cross-Sector Learning Sets, while not exclusively, are suitable for Senior Executives who belong to the following sectors:
- Aged care
- Disability
- Mental Health
- Addiction, Drug & Alcohol
- Child & Youth Services
- Community Health.
- Cultural Competency
- Primary Care
- Cultural Services
- Justice
- Housing
Embark on a Transformative Learning Experience
This unique opportunity to gain perspective from those who have experience with similar challenges.
“Coming from a non-health care background, I find the insights and advice from other participants very helpful to my career and journey”
– Andrew Macfarlane, Chief Information Officer
Benefits of Cross-Sector Executive Learning Sets
Underpinned by expert facilitation, Sets are a confidential think tank with a diverse group of talented peers from Australia and New Zealand who come together quarterly to discuss and resolve the complex challenges faced.
Join a Cross Sector Set
If you are interested in joining a Cross-sector Learning Set or want to find out more on how our Cross-Sector Sets can help you achieve your goals, contact our team by clicking the contact button below.