Whakauru – Whakamōhio – Whakaawe – Whakapai Ake (Involve – Inform – Influence – Improve)
11 Oct 2020
Health and disability services in Aotearoa New Zealand are delivered by a complex network of organisations and people. The extent to which they each do the right thing and do it right the first time has a profound impact on the health and wellbeing of New Zealanders.
Most contemporary health systems invest in a lead agency to better understand at a whole of system level what is working well and less well while at the same time drawing on and disseminating evidence and resources to help inform and influence a continuous improvement cycle.
In New Zealand that agency is the Health Quality & Safety Commission led by Dr Janice Wilson, a psychiatrist and former Deputy Director-General of the Population Health Directorate at the Ministry of Health.
Change as they say is a constant and it is foreshadowed in the Health and Disability System Review Final Report – Pūrongo Whakamutunga – New Zealand may be embarking on the most complex system changes the country has seen in over twenty years.
That means as the incoming Medical Director and Executive Lead for the Quality Systems Group you will join the organisation at a pivotal moment in time as the health and disability system continues to quickly respond and adapt to delivering services in new ways to prevent the spread of COVID-19 while readying itself for potential broader change.
What better moment to bring your skills, experience and sector credibility to this national strategic role?